Virtual Cardiology & Telemedicine Platform

Project Name

Gordy Health





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Consulting, Design, Development

The client

Gordy Health provides healthcare-based services to manage blood pressure from home and the first virtual care provider exclusively focused on blood pressure management to lower patients’ risk for heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure. It is a full service medical platform that includes direct access to blood pressure specialists, easy-to-schedule virtual appointments, real-time diagnostics, prescription delivery, and ongoing monitoring and medication adjustments, all from the comfort of home.


We were tasked with creating a user-friendly interface that simplified health management while accommodating various user demographics and technological proficiency levels. We also ensured seamless integration of real-time diagnostics, prescription delivery, and ongoing monitoring features to provide a comprehensive and cohesive virtual care experience.

How we made it happen

We created an intuitive interface for users of all demographics and tech proficiency levels. We integrated real-time diagnostics, prescription delivery, and continuous monitoring, providing a seamless and comprehensive virtual care experience.


improvement in
BP management


reduction in
clinic visits


patient satisfaction rate.

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