Unlock the power of Software Development Technologies to make a measurable impact & reimagine the future

Mobile App Engineering

WTA is a global leader in developing futuristic mobile solutions & frameworks for both Android and iOS platforms. We specialize in both native and hybrid app development, with human-centric design and powerful technologies.

Front End Technologies

Dominate the web, and serve millions of new users with powerful Web Apps developed using flexible and cross-platform technologies such as Angular, React JS, Python, and more

Back End Technologies

Create a solid foundation for your mobile app or digital portal with powerful, scalable, and flexible backend technologies and ensure a seamless user experience for global users. We specialize in deploying server-side languages like PHP, Grails, Python, Java, and .Net along with relational as well as NoSQL databases for faster data processing.

Cloud Technologies

Dominate and conquer the trillion-dollar Cloud Computing market with our powerful Cloud Technologies and Solutions, tailor-made and customized for your business. We are the authorized partners of Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services.

DevOps Tools

We are experts in offering reliable, collaborative, scalable, and flexible development environments for our clients that are globally accessible via remote hosting services. Our development environment supports GIT for continuous customizations and our Agile tools ensure timely delivery of projects.

Software Integrations

WTA is the one-stop solution for integrating 3rd party frameworks and Software Development Technologies such as Stripe, Paypal, Square, Agora, MixPanel, SalesForce & more into your existing IT platform, without any operational interruption.

Testing & QA

Our unbeatable and proven Testing and QA solutions empower hundreds of global clients to roll out fully integrated, tested, and user-friendly solutions for their users, with zero bugs and anomalies.


Areas We Serve






Get in touch with us today to explore how our expertise can bring your ideas to life and drive your business forward.

Let's bring your
ideas to life!

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When it comes to hiring, our primary attitude at Jumio is always, "Can this person be our next superstar?" We were able to accomplish this and find a few rockstars because to IV's data-driven platform.

Manish Surapaneni

Global Director, Talent

Trusted By Global brands

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