Deciding on a Javascript framework like Angular for building your web application can be time-consuming, and hiring a developer can also be daunting. While Angular offers many benefits, it also has limitations that must be considered when hiring a developer. To ensure a successful project, hiring an Angular Developer with the proper skill set is essential. However, factors other than skills, such as location and experience, also play a role in determining the cost of hiring an Angular Developer. This article will explore these factors and estimate the average price for hiring an Angular Developer.

Factors That Impact The Cost Of Hiring A Remote Angular Developer

The cost of hiring an Angular Developer is influenced by various factors, including their skill set, the project’s size and complexity, and the engagement length. This article will explore these factors in more detail to help you understand the cost of hiring a remote Angular Developer.

The Scale Of Projects

The scale of the project is one of the most significant factors that impact the cost of hiring a remote Angular Developer. The size and complexity of the project will vary depending on the organization and use case, which can affect the cost of hiring a developer.

Small-Scale Projects

Small-scale projects typically have basic features and take less time and effort to develop than medium or enterprise-level projects. For example, a simple feature like user profile creation is relatively straightforward and doesn’t require complex integrations. In these cases, hiring an Angular Developer for a small-scale app is typically the cheapest option because maintenance is less, and the features to be developed are simple and fewer.

Medium-Scale Projects

Medium-scale projects may require more advanced features with customized APIs and more third-party integrations than small-scale projects. For example, integrating a chatbot for a web application requires customized APIs for integrations and trigger functions to activate chatbot services automatically. Building this functionality is complex and involves a team of multiple developers, making it more costly than a small-scale project.

Enterprise-Grade Projects

Enterprise-grade projects require extensive features, advanced integrations, and complex management tools. These projects also require secure access across the organization, which is why a team of developers with advanced knowledge and experience working within a DevOps culture is necessary. As a result, enterprise-grade projects typically have higher costs associated with hiring remote Angular Developers compared to medium or small-scale projects.

Complexity Of Features

The complexity of an application’s features plays a significant role in determining the cost of hiring an Angular Developer. Simple features like login/signup and notifications require less development time and basic skills. In contrast, more complex features like Geo-tagging, real-time data processing, and AI-based functions may require more time and advanced coding skills.

For example, an Angular Developer with expertise in using async pipes can help prevent memory leaks in your application. As the Angular expertise increases, so does the cost of hiring. A primary application, such as a Single Page Application (SPA), typically takes between 380-900 development hours. At an hourly rate of $25, the total cost of hiring would be around $9,500 to $22,500. On the other hand, complex applications can take between 550-1,300 development hours, resulting in a cost of hiring between $16,500 and $39,000, assuming an average hourly rate of $30 for a full-stack developer.

Skills Required When Hiring Angular Developers

It is essential to consider their skillset as it directly impacts the project’s overall cost. Developers with a strong understanding of the Angular framework and optimization techniques can bring added value to your projects. Here are some essential skills to look for when hiring Angular Developers:

Architecture: Angular Developers should understand the different modules and components associated with the framework. They should be proficient in MVC and MVVM architecture, which can improve the performance and user experience of the application.

Templates: Knowledge of templates is a valuable skill for Angular Developers. Familiarity with third-party libraries like Angular Material and ng-bootstrap can also be advantageous when building an excellent user interface.

Typescript Excellence: Since Angular is built on Typescript, developers should have experience with both languages or at least one of them.

Build Tools: Familiarity with Angular build tools such as Angular CLI, Angular Schematics, Webpack and Angular Material is essential for creating custom services, components, and modules for the app.

Engagement Model

There are several engagement models to choose from when hiring Angular Developers, including time-based (hourly/monthly), fixed-price, and dedicated models. Additionally, depending on your business needs, you can engage remote developers through dedicated-based, offshore-based, or freelance-based models.

Fixed Price Model:

  • Clients provide business requirements for a fixed price
  • The cost and deadline for product delivery are set before development begins
  • The entire responsibility for project development and execution falls on the service provider
  • A project manager oversees the project without the need for client consultations
  • Checking on the development of the project and ensuring compliance can be difficult

Dedicated Model:

  • Clients have a say in the number of developers needed and their required skills.
  • The development process is outlined before beginning.
  • A flexible model where cost and product delivery can be adjusted as needed
  • Constant coordination and development approach make tracking progress and compliance easy
  • A team of experts works as an extended team of the client’s organization

You can also engage with developers geographically by selecting nearshore, onshore, or offshore developers. Nearshore developers are located within your time zone, while offshore developers may be cost-effective but need help collaborating due to different time zones. Alternatively, you can hire in-house developers to create a development team.

Average Cost Of Hiring An Angular Developer

When determining the average cost of hiring an Angular Developer, factors such as experience and location will play a role. Here are some aspects to consider:

Experience-Based Cost

Junior developers: Fresh graduates or beginners with 0-3 years of experience in Angular development. They have basic knowledge of the framework and troubleshooting skills. Entry-level developers should also have knowledge of significant database concepts and an understanding of the software development lifecycle.

Mid-level developers: Developers with 4-6 years of experience and expertise in optimizing app performance, integrating third-party services, and building custom features. They should know system architecture and can lead a software team. Full-stack development abilities and experience collaborating with designers are also beneficial.

Senior-level developers: Developers with over 7 years of experience in Angular, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, and responsive web design. They have leadership qualities in developing quality codes and guiding other team members. They should be well-versed in SCSS, RxJS, Adobe Analytics, and Cordova, and have experience with Agile development methodologies and cloud services like Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud.

Location-Based Cost

When hiring Angular Developers, location plays a significant role in the cost. Developers in different geographic areas have varying hiring costs. For example, the cost of hiring a senior-level Angular Developer in North America can be as high as $157,440 per year, while in Asia, it can be as low as $9,533.

Asia: Asia offers highly skilled Angular talents at reduced costs compared to other geographical locations. India, in particular, provides the most affordable opportunity for hiring developers with different experience levels. Indian developers are known for their ability to provide solutions with minimal resources.

Other countries in Asia, such as Israel and Southeast Asian countries like the Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore, also offer promising Angular talents.

North America: The United States, Canada, and Mexico are popular markets for finding the top 1% of Angular Developers for your business needs.

West Europe: Western Europe is known for offering some of the finest Angular development talents in the world. Countries like the United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden have been at the forefront of building Angular-based apps.

Australia: Australia is also a top market for hiring Angular Developers, but prices can be relatively high. Local developers charge between $38,400 and $90,931, depending on the required developer experience and app complexity.

Eastern Europe: Eastern European countries offer the most affordable Angular Developers. Offshore developers from countries like Ukraine and Poland are great alternatives for countries where hiring Angular Developers is more costly.

The average cost of hiring an Angular Developer in Ukraine is between $9120 and $42,000 per year. Polish developers may charge anywhere between $17,280 and $53,208.

Freelancers Vs Dedicated Developers: Which Is Practical?

The cost of hiring a remote Angular Developer can vary depending on whether you hire a freelancer or a dedicated developer. Freelancers are a good option for projects with a limited scope and a predefined budget. They can be engaged through agreements that define the total engagement time, project requirements, and content. However, there are drawbacks to hiring a freelancer, such as potential quality issues and a need for more control over productivity.

On the other hand, hiring a dedicated development team may seem more costly, but it can offer more perks than freelancers. A dedicated team of Angular Developers offers flexibility and experienced developers who can provide superior quality, higher productivity, and the ability to scale applications.

Finding a freelancer is easy through Upwork,, or LinkedIn. Software companies like GoodFirms or Clutch can be consulted to hire dedicated remote Angular Developers. The cost of hiring dedicated remote developers from such software companies ranges between $25 per hour and $49 per hour.


Hiring a remote Angular Developer is a crucial step in developing your next application, and it is essential to make the right choice. There are various options, such as staff augmentation services, freelancers, and firms offering dedicated Angular development teams. It is essential to consider factors such as experience, location, and cost to ensure that you find the best fit for your project and organization.